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Start Dates

Make us your New Year's resolution and book your place on the beginner's course Now!

There may still be places left on the current beginners course, please contact us for more info. Our next course starts on March the 10th!

Check out our course start dates for 2025.

Join our improvers and intermediate classes at any time. 

Covid-19 statement

Upcoming Events

There are no up-coming events


Sign up to our newsletter here. Please add "" to your contacts/whitelist!

Update: The shop has been fixed, and you can purchase Gift Certificates online (you can still do so by contacting us directly if you wish). Click on any of the images below to go to that style in the store.

Phone: 07985 609912

They are available as physical cards, or as an e-voucher and can be for the value of a course (£55 for a single person or £80 for a couple). You can also have them in other amounts if desired.

Please ensure you give us time to post if ordering as a Christmas present.

They are available in the following designs:

Click a style 

Gift Voucher 2018 v1 web sample
Gift voucher Xmas 800px
Gift Voucher Party Blue 800px


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Holiday Closing and Reopening dates 2024/25

Our final regular class for 2024 will be held on Monday, 2nd December. The final beginners' class will run as usual, but we'll have a Rueda class at 8pm for all levels, so beginners are welcome to join, followed by social dancing until 10pm.

We then close for a well-earned break over the holidays for when we return in the New Year!

  • Monday 2nd December - last classes of the year
  • Friday 6th December - last party/social night of the year
  • Monday 9th Decemberclosed
  • Monday 16th December - closed
  • Monday 23rd December - closed
  • Monday 30th December 2024 - closed
  • Monday 6th January 2025 - closed
  • Monday 13th January 2025 - First evening back with new classes & courses

Please keep an eye on the website and Facebook for any updates. Any announcements will also be made via the newsletter.

Our beginner's course starts from the beginning every eight weeks, so you never have to wait too long to join us. However, we will often accept new students up to week three of each course (please let us know so we can give you a quick catch-up lesson beforehand).

Our beginner's course has regularly been close to, or at, capacity since our return from the restrictions, so please book to reserve your place(s). 

Click here to book your place.

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We'd like to take the opportunity to welcome a new member to the Salsa Bristol team — Tom Pugh!

Tom joined our beginner's course in the summer of 2022 and quickly impressed us with his eagerness to learn and help. He is fast becoming an excellent dancer and will be getting more involved in assisting Clare and Andy in teaching classes in 2025.

Welcome to the team, Tom!

Our final regular class for 2023 will be held on Monday, 4th December. The end-of-year Christmas class party will take place on Monday, 11th December.

We then close for a well-earned break over the holidays for when we return in the New Year!

  • Monday 4th December - last classes of the year
  • Friday 8th December - last party/social night of the year
  • Monday 11th December - end of year class Christmas Party 
  • Monday 18th December - closed
  • Monday 25th December - closed
  • Monday 1st January 2024 - closed
  • Monday 8th January 2024 - First evening back with new classes & courses

Please keep an eye on the website and Facebook for any updates. Any announcements will also be made via the newsletter.

To see when our next courses start in 2025, click here.

Our beginners' course starts from the beginning every eight weeks, so you never have to wait too long to join us. However, we will often accept new students up to week three of each course (please let us know so we can give you a quick catch-up lesson beforehand).

Our beginners' course has often been close to, or at, capacity since our return from the restrictions, so please book to reserve your place(s). 

Our expected start date for 2025 (at the time of writing) is 13th January 2025.

Click here to book your place.

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The start dates for this article have now concluded - please see the latest start dates article.

Our beginners' course starts from the beginning every eight weeks, so you never have to wait too long to join us. However, we will often accept new students up to week three of each course (please let us know so we can give you a quick catch-up lesson beforehand).

Our beginners' course has been close to, or at, capacity since our return from the restrictions, so please book to reserve your place(s).

Click here to book your place.

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Monday, the 5th of December, is our last class for 2022, followed by Monday, the 12th, where we see the return of our end-of-year Chrimbo class party.

We then close for a well-earned break over the holidays for when we return in the New Year!

  • Monday 5th December - last classes of the year
  • Monday 12th December - end of year Christmas Party
  • Monday 19th December - closed
  • Monday 26th December - closed
  • Monday 2nd January 2022 - closed
  • Monday 9th January 2022 - First evening back with new classes & courses

Please keep an eye on the website and Facebook for any updates. Any announcements will also be made via the newsletter.

We will be having two nights in one to make up for the missing night on the 19th starting at 6 pm. More details below.

Due to the sad passing of HRH Queen Elizabeth II, our venue will be closed for her funeral on Monday, the 19th. Obviously, this means there will be no classes this week.

We will be open again as usual on Monday the 26th.

If you know anyone who had planned on going, please make them aware, saving them a potentially wasted journey.

Beginners Course
The closure on the 19th does mean a disruption in the current 8-week beginners’ course.

As we won’t be able to push the course back a week, we will have an extra hour on the 3rd of October.

We will start at 6pm with a break before our regular beginners’ class start time of

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Our beginners' course starts from the beginning every eight weeks, so you never have to wait too long to join us. However, we will often accept new students up to week three of each course (please let us know so we can give you a quick catch-up lesson beforehand).

Our beginners' course has been close to, or at, capacity since our return from the restrictions, so please book to reserve your place(s).

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Monday the 13th of December sees us host our last classes of 2021; from then, we are closed over the holidays until Monday the 10th of January 2022.

  • Monday 13th December – last classes of the year
  • Monday 20th December - closed
  • Monday 27th December - closed
  • Monday 3rd January 2022 – closed
  • Monday 10th January 2022 – First evening back with new classes & courses

Please keep an eye on the website and Facebook for any updates. Any announcements will also be made via the newsletter.

We are delighted to announce that from Monday 1st November Salsa classes will be running every Monday at the top floor function room at the Imperial Sports Ground (used to be known as South Bristol Sports Centre).

There have been a number of changes not least the venue and day we run classes. Sadly, due to the effects of the lockdowns because of Covid have had an effect on the club and with the virus still very much present in all our lives this will ultimately have an effect on the numbers of customers we see come through our doors. Although we hope our many loyal supporters will still be able to come and join us it does mean that until things improve, we cannot run our normal 6 classes on an evening, and this has led to us having to lose our wonderful higher-level teacher Alex Fright for the

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Please note this post has now been superseded and won't be updated further - we have been back and open since the 1st of November 2021. See later blog posts for further announcements for classes and any potential disruption.

Current update - 8th September 2021

We hope you are all doing well.

As much as we love dancing and passing that on to others, we have been very aware of the health and well-being of ourselves and our students.

We are meeting up at the end of September to discuss the way forward, and we will update you as soon as decisions have been made and we know more.

Updates and announcements will be made in due course in the newsletter, on here and on Facebook.


Update - 1st May 2021

It’s been over a year since we held our last “in person” salsa classes in Knowle and

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We have beginners salsa courses starting directly after every 8-week course has concluded, so you never have to wait too long. We will take new students with little or no experience up to week 3; just let us know, and you can come in for a quick catch-up before the main class. After this time, we may only take on new students for the current running course if you've had previous dance experience.

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We're taking a well-earned break over the Christmas and New Year holidays, but will be back in January with new classes and ready to burn off those calories!

Closure and opening dates are below - we hope to see you all in the New Year!

Thursday 12th December 2019 - Last class of the year (class party)

Thursday 19th December 2019 - CLOSED
Thursday 26th December 2019 - CLOSED
Thursday 2nd January 2020 - CLOSED
Thursday 9th January 2020 - Open as normal for new classes and courses

We return with the usual five levels of salsa - and back by popular demand, our first 8-week "non-salsa" dance course of the year with Alex will be Bachata-Tango!

Save your space(s) and book online now!

We have beginners salsa courses starting directly after every 8-week course has concluded, so you never have to wait too long. We will take new students with little or no experience up to week 3; just let us know and you can come in for a quick catch-up before the main class. After this time, we may only take on new students for the current running course if you've had previous dance experience.

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Start Dates

Make us your New Year's resolution and book your place on the beginner's course Now!

There may still be places left on the current beginners course, please contact us for more info. Our next course starts on March the 10th!

Check out our course start dates for 2025.

Join our improvers and intermediate classes at any time. 

Covid-19 statement

Upcoming Events

There are no up-coming events


Sign up to our newsletter here. Please add "" to your contacts/whitelist!
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