Our all-new 8-week Beginners Plus Course is aimed at bridging the gap between our Beginner’s Course and Improvers classes. Having completed the Beginner’s course, we know what you have been taught and, equally important, what you haven’t. We will use this space to continue building your confidence on the dance floor and expanding your technical ability.
There is a great deal of technique used in salsa dancing and as more complicated techniques are learned, students can perform every increasingly complicated turn-patterns and perform more intricate footwork, which is both satisfying to execute and eye-catching on the dance floor.
Students are encouraged to take more than one class per evening to advance their learning. There are many reasons why students learn faster when taking two or more classes simultaneously, and apart from the obvious, after the first class, your body will be warmed up and your mind will be attuned to learning. Your muscle memory will have kicked in, and you will find learning more complex techniques easier than if you attended only that class without the warm-up.
Please remember, whilst we start each lesson dancing solo, teaching “Shines”, we expect you to stretch at home prior to attending lessons to help prevent any muscle strains.
By the end of the course, you will walk away more confident, knowledgeable, and skilled than many who have been dancing far longer than you!
This course is open to everyone who has at least 8-weeks experience in Salsa dancing.