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Start Dates

Make us your New Year's resolution and book your place on the beginner's course Now!

There may still be places left on the current beginners course, please contact us for more info. Our next course starts on March the 10th!

Check out our course start dates for 2025.

Join our improvers and intermediate classes at any time. 

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Upcoming Events

There are no up-coming events


Sign up to our newsletter here. Please add "" to your contacts/whitelist!

Submit a Testimonial

We appreciate you taking the time to leave a testimonial for others to read about why you like Salsa Bristol. If you're unsure what to say, consider how the teachers make you feel. Are they supportive? What is the atmosphere like, and what do you get from coming to our classes and events?

Alternatively, you can email your testimonial to  - remember to let us know your name as you want it displayed and attach a profile image if required.

Submit your testimonial

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Type your review in (or copy and paste from Microsoft Word or similar) the text box below. There is a maximum character count of 1000.


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Start Dates

Make us your New Year's resolution and book your place on the beginner's course Now!

There may still be places left on the current beginners course, please contact us for more info. Our next course starts on March the 10th!

Check out our course start dates for 2025.

Join our improvers and intermediate classes at any time. 

Covid-19 statement

Upcoming Events

There are no up-coming events


Sign up to our newsletter here. Please add "" to your contacts/whitelist!
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