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Start Dates

It's not too late to join us for our beginners' salsa course. Book Now!

We are open as normal for both bank holiday Mondays in May on the 6th and 27th.

Check out our course start dates for 2024.

Join our improvers and intermediate classes at any time. 

Please read the Covid-19 policy before attending.


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Bachata/Rueda/Cha Cha

  • Class: Bachata/Rueda/Cha Cha
  • Type: Structured Course
  • Duration: Eight Weeks
  • Time: 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm
  • Teacher(s): Alex Fright

Alex & Hannah are your teachers for these Latin courses, run over an 8 week period.

The ethos is the same for all of these courses; whilst everybody is welcome you must be an experienced dancer to attend. That’s not to say you have to have experience in this particular genre, but whilst the basic steps may be covered, students need to be able to pick them up quickly.

We aren’t aware of any other Latin course’s ran in the South West covering these styles, so whilst you might get ‘taster’ classes elsewhere, it is only with us will you get to learn these dances via an 8 week progressive course.

Courses rotate in no particular order so please keep your eyes on the website if there is a particular style you are interested in or contact us for more information.

It goes without saying, as, with all our classes, there is still a focus on having fun!

Students at this level normally attend more than one class per evening and two higher levels of Salsa follow each night. If you want to stay on and attend the Salsa Classes, you can for an additional £2 per lesson.

We think that’s unbeatable value!



Bachata is a very popular dance which originates from the Dominican Republic and traditionally was a dance for lovers. In the 1970s it was deemed so seedy it was unofficially banned from the radio and television airwaves and could only be found in the bars and brothels in the poorest barrios. Thus, the music took on the theme of its surroundings and musicians sang of love, fights and poverty.

By the early 1980s, Bachata's popularity could no longer be denied and performers found themselves performing on stage and television.

Today, Bachata is so popular that it is played and danced worldwide; you can find some of the rhythmic elements of the music combined with elements of genres such as Hip Hop, R&B and more.

Before the Spanish, and later the Italians introduced turn patterns into the dance, Bachata revolved around footwork, whether danced solo or in partnership.

A passionate, romantic, and beautiful dance loved by all.



This is one of the highest attended courses we run and the most requested by our Salsa Students!

With the popularisation of Bachata music, a number of different fusions developed around the world and at the time ‘modern’ Bachata developed so the amalgamation of Bachata-Tango was born.

The sensual and passionate music of Bachata combines well with the fiery passion of the Argentine-Tango and when danced, the fourth beat of the music, the hip/tap step, is replaced with elaborate kicks, long pauses, dips, twists and leg wraps.

Although the dance style utilises Bachata music it is rarely danced neither by Bachata dancers nor by Argentine Tango dancers. We believe this is because dancers simply do not get the opportunity to learn.

If you ask anybody who has attended one of our courses, I sure you’ll hear their passion and desire in wanting to attend the next!

A romantic dance infused with a fiery passion; does it get any better?



Rueda (Spanish for Wheel)

A Cuban dance danced in a circle whereby dancers move from partner to another following the calls of one person, "La líder".

Many moves have hand signs to complement calls making it easier for dancers to follow calls in a noisy club or bar. The combination of elaborate dance moves and constant movement of partners create a visually spectacular effect. As the ‘Wheel’ gains momentum "la líder" will test dancers by calling forever increasingly complex moves; sooner or later one ‘leader’ might end up with two or three ‘followers’ and one ‘leader’ will end up alone as someone has gone wrong – but that’s all part of the fun!

Once again, whilst dancers may get the occasional class in Rueda, we are the only dance company which runs an 8 week progressive course. Come and join in and learn just what fun can be had dancing Rueda!


Cha Cha Cha

Last but not least is the Cha-Cha-Cha, often abbreviated to Cha Cha, yet another form of dance you will see danced at Salsa parties. The Cha Cha Cha stems from Cuban origins and gets its name from the triple step sound made on the floor by dancers.

Once again, whilst dancers may get the occasional class in Cha Cha Cha, we are the only dance company which runs an 8 week progressive course. Come and join in and learn just what fun can be had dancing Cha Cha!

Please do not get confused with Ballroom Cha Cha Cha. Whereas Ballroom Cha Cha music is energetic and has a steady beat, Latin Cha Cha music is more sensual and can include complex polyrhythms.

Many Salsa dancers can find the hardest step to learn to dance Cha Cha is the first step. Unless you are used to dancing On2 ‘leaders’ always start with their left foot and ‘followers’ always with their right foot. With Cha Cha, it is the other way around, although ‘leaders’ may wish to start with their left foot by using it to transfer weight.

That said, the count for Latin Cha Cha is two, three, chachacha (on counts 4&5), six, seven, chachacha (on counts 8&1). REPEAT: two three chachacha ...
Nevertheless, many social dancers count "one, two, cha-cha-cha" and may find it difficult to make the adjustment to the correct timing of the dance.


Salsa in Depth

This course is aimed to increase your confidence on the dance floor by improving and building on your techniques with a focus on body movement and isolations, posture, footwork and making your basic techniques look polished.

Musicality will also be covered and is an important part of any dancer’s knowledge and Alex will be guiding you through the basic aspects surrounding this. He will focus not only on timing but also ways in which you can use music as a way of expression in your dance.

Alex and Hannah will cover many other areas that are important to build and gain your confidence when dancing with one another these areas will include men and ladies styling and shines, fancy footwork, syncopations, partner work and how to look good on the dancefloor.

This course is a real must for any salsa dancer and will not only improve your current technique but will build on your knowledge of many areas of the dance and make you feel better equipped when you hit the dance floor.


We really do welcome everybody at our classes from the beginner through to the most advanced dancer.

We create a safe and fun environment where students are invited to explore their strengths and weakness. We know students learn best when they feel safe enough to ask questions and explore difficulties.

Our approachable teachers are chosen for their ability to engage with students and transfer knowledge. We know one-size doesn’t fit all and students learn best through analysis, debate, and constructive criticism; as opposed to simply memorization.

You don’t have to take our word for it, come and try a class and if you don’t think we offer value for money that our teaching methods aren’t up to scratch, or you simply didn’t have a good time, we’ll refund your money at the end of the night! What have you got to lose?
Contact us for more information.

Take a look at our testimonials to see what others are saying about us!



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Start Dates

It's not too late to join us for our beginners' salsa course. Book Now!

We are open as normal for both bank holiday Mondays in May on the 6th and 27th.

Check out our course start dates for 2024.

Join our improvers and intermediate classes at any time. 

Please read the Covid-19 policy before attending.


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