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Start Dates

Make us your New Year's resolution and book your place on the beginner's course Now!

There may still be places left on the current beginners course, please contact us for more info. Our next course starts on March the 10th!

Check out our course start dates for 2025.

Join our improvers and intermediate classes at any time. 

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Snow Salsa!

At the beginning of the month, we had to close due to the Beast from the East showering us with heavy snow and blowing in icy winds causing many places including South Bristol Sports Centre to close! We haven't had to close our doors since 2010 again which was due to heavy snow and icy conditions.

Although it was only for that one week, I sure did miss my friendly, funny students and having a few dances. Thankfully round 2 of Beast from the East this week missed our Thursday evenings, so I'm very relieved not to be missing everyone and keeping myself fit and warm!

Written by : Clare

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Start Dates

Make us your New Year's resolution and book your place on the beginner's course Now!

There may still be places left on the current beginners course, please contact us for more info. Our next course starts on March the 10th!

Check out our course start dates for 2025.

Join our improvers and intermediate classes at any time. 

Covid-19 statement

Upcoming Events

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Sign up to our newsletter here. Please add "" to your contacts/whitelist!
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