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Start Dates

Make us your New Year's resolution and book your place on the beginner's course Now!

There may still be places left on the current beginners course, please contact us for more info. Our next course starts on March the 10th!

Check out our course start dates for 2025.

Join our improvers and intermediate classes at any time. 

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Festive Party Season is nearly here!

christmas2018Oh my days, can you believe it!? November is nearly at an end which can only mean one thing! The Salsa Bristol Christmas Party night is nearly upon us again! Yes, that's right it's time to raid the wardrobe for a sparkly outfit or go in search through the Christmas decorations for that hidden Santa Costume you hide from the kids every year!

This year it will be held on Thursday 13th December at our new venue St Gerard Majella Church Hall in Knowle and as always everyone, whether you're a regular to the classes or not, is invited to join us. More details can be found on our Facebook Event and website.

With our current course coming to an end this Thursday the 29th November, we have an extra week before our Christmas Party Night which lands on Thursday 6th December. We have the honour of having Neville Ashman that evening who is covering some of Alex and Hannah's classes while they're away on their travels. We will be holding an improver level Rueda, Beginners Salsa and a Beginners Bachata and Improvers Bachata class on this evening. The rest of the time will be used for social dancing where you can practice your new moves and dance the night away! If you have a favourite Latin track you'd like played, let us know!


Written by : Clare

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Start Dates

Make us your New Year's resolution and book your place on the beginner's course Now!

There may still be places left on the current beginners course, please contact us for more info. Our next course starts on March the 10th!

Check out our course start dates for 2025.

Join our improvers and intermediate classes at any time. 

Covid-19 statement

Upcoming Events

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